Tuesday, May 31, 2011

protection of traditional Mongolian culture

Cheng Hao scholars of Inner Mongolia, in fact, Inner Mongoliantraditional culture has become the common wealth. Even in theHan Chinese for most of the agricultural areas, foreign relationsmust also be hada, sing, toast and other activities, and other areas in the Xilin Gol League in every household, regardless of their nationality breakfast almost all Mongolian tea.herve leger single strap bandage pink dress 

     In recent years, China attaches great importance to protection of traditional Mongolian culture. 2005 joint declaration between China and the Mongolian Long Tune of the world intangible cultural heritage; 2009, China made ​​another Mongolian stunt "Khoomei" World Heritage List. In the world, now have threeMongolian world intangible cultural heritage, China participated in one of the two.

     In Inner Mongolia, the rapid economic development the government is more capable of protecting traditional Mongolianculture. At present, the Yuan emperor Kublai Khan of the Yuan Dynasty the construction of both the summer capital element isdeclared world cultural heritage, and strive to make the world'sbest preserved imperial capital of the grassland restored to its former glory as soon as possible picture.

     Inner Mongolia also has the largest ethnic minority in ChinaMuseum - Museum of Inner Mongolia, where often holdMongolian folk dance, costumes, folk rituals presented hadademonstration activities such as Mongolian, let the audienceexperience the rich heritage of national culture.herve leger single strap beaded black dress

     Blue Flag is in the Xilin Gol League, in order to move into the city to retain the traditional Mongolian "scarifical fire"campaign,funded by the Government, the Government Plaza, obo Hill and other places, organized collective scarifical fire festival.

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