Xinhua Geneva, May 25 (Xinhua Wang Chao-PARIS) 25,according to Swiss federal government communique issued bythe Swiss in 2034 years ago, the gradual closure of all nuclear power plants within its territory, completely abandon nuclear handbags sheepkin leather blue 30226
Swiss Federal Ministry of Transport, Communications and Energy Minister Leuthard said that day in the capital, Bern, Switzerlanddecided to phase out nuclear power, nuclear power plants within its territory to reach the maximum of 5 after 50 years service lifewill stop running, which means before 2034 , the last of a nuclear power plant will be closed.
Swiss Federal Government pointed out that Switzerland will vigorously promote energy efficiency, continue to develophydropower and renewable energy and expand energy imports, while developing the smart grid, strengthen energy research and 255 bags ball grain leather white silver 1112
Swiss electricity from nuclear power currently Jinsi Cheng, fromMarch earthquake and tsunami in Japan the first nuclear plant in Fukushima nuclear accident, the Swiss Federal Government to immediately announce the end of the existing five nuclear power plant renovation scheme, run Nuclear power plant security checks, and instructed the Federal Ministry of Transport, Communicationsand Energy prospects for the country's future energy supply and make reliable judgments.
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