Tuesday, May 31, 2011

protection of traditional Mongolian culture

Cheng Hao scholars of Inner Mongolia, in fact, Inner Mongoliantraditional culture has become the common wealth. Even in theHan Chinese for most of the agricultural areas, foreign relationsmust also be hada, sing, toast and other activities, and other areas in the Xilin Gol League in every household, regardless of their nationality breakfast almost all Mongolian tea.herve leger single strap bandage pink dress 

     In recent years, China attaches great importance to protection of traditional Mongolian culture. 2005 joint declaration between China and the Mongolian Long Tune of the world intangible cultural heritage; 2009, China made ​​another Mongolian stunt "Khoomei" World Heritage List. In the world, now have threeMongolian world intangible cultural heritage, China participated in one of the two.

     In Inner Mongolia, the rapid economic development the government is more capable of protecting traditional Mongolianculture. At present, the Yuan emperor Kublai Khan of the Yuan Dynasty the construction of both the summer capital element isdeclared world cultural heritage, and strive to make the world'sbest preserved imperial capital of the grassland restored to its former glory as soon as possible picture.

     Inner Mongolia also has the largest ethnic minority in ChinaMuseum - Museum of Inner Mongolia, where often holdMongolian folk dance, costumes, folk rituals presented hadademonstration activities such as Mongolian, let the audienceexperience the rich heritage of national culture.herve leger single strap beaded black dress

     Blue Flag is in the Xilin Gol League, in order to move into the city to retain the traditional Mongolian "scarifical fire"campaign,funded by the Government, the Government Plaza, obo Hill and other places, organized collective scarifical fire festival.

The milk food in Yuan Dynasty palace

The milk food in Yuan Dynasty palace famous "milk food town ",in order to change the local Mongolian dairy food processing"small, scattered, chaotic, "the status quo, government planning and construction of dairy food processing park, to completelychange the situation of family workshops .herve leger single strap bandage dress 

     Not long ago, Inner Mongolia has also issued specificstandards for local health food milk, requiring Naipi son, tofu,milk and other dairy food packaging to indicate the "national characteristics dairy products"is shown. Industry insiders say the move is intended to introduce the strict national standards in the context of dairy production to meet the special requirements ofMongolian milk food, protection of national dairy food industry.

     The region of Inner Mongolia also offered a wide variety ofMongolian traditional culture classes, such as Bao Long SongArtist Music Delger co-founded with long tones Hulunbeir College classes, an exception from the steppe nomads on therecruitment of talented children to learn; in Xilin Gol Leagueplace inhabited by some of the Mongolian Government will long tones, dances and other traditional arts into the school curriculum.

     At the same time, as times progress, economic development,some ancient Mongolian traditional things are changing.

     31-year-old Mongolian herdsman Chaolu placed high in theliving room has long since anyone old saddle move. Because hishorse is no longer a small, run-resistant horse, but one never know tired of the mini-van. His house has long been a bright and spacious brick houses, the art of the Mongolian yurt makingyoung people is gradually declining.

     Inner Mongolia University of Science Professor Wu said theirLatour, with lifestyle changes Mongolian traditional productionwill inevitably have an impact on the Mongolian traditional culture.

     Mongolian students at Na Su said, the whole world to enjoy the achievements of modern civilization, it is impossible to retain the traditional Mongolian and behind the times.herve leger single strap bandage gray dress

     The La Wu said: "I always believed that the Mongolians in the process of development can not only enjoy modern civilization,can also keep their own cultural heritage, they have several options, this is the protection of the rights of Mongolian culturereflected . "

reactor buildingof the sewage in the basement

According to NHK (NHK) reported that the first nuclear reactor in Fukushima plant and turbine factory in the basement of a large number of high concentration within the accumulation ofradioactive waste water, a serious impediment to the cooling system repair work. Recently, staff from the Unit 1 reactor buildingof the sewage in the basement detected more than 200 millionper milliliter of radioactive cesium Becquerel, which means thatthe ground floor of Unit 1 is also very high concentration of nuclearwaste water. Tokyo Electric Power Company that the meltdown of the nuclear fuel from the radioactive material contained in the damaged reactor leak out.herve leger v neck sequin applique bandage black dress 

On the other hand, as of today (31 days) after the morning raindamage from the explosion into the reactor plant gap, etc., resulting in the accumulation of water within the plant level to rise further. According to Tokyo Electric Power Company announcedtoday at 7 am at 24 hours, ground floor of Unit 1 nuclear reactorplant effluent water level rose 37.6 cm; the ongoing closure of Unit 2 operating shaft of the sewage pipes channel water levelIncreased by 8.6 cm, the rise in water levels throughout the waterexceeded the previous day's level.

According to the previously reported nuclear power plant incident handling process table, Tokyo Electric Power company plans to build cycle cooling system, the accumulation of sewage purification treatment of nuclear reactor cooling for the system is expected to be completed in July. Before the completion of thesystem, in order to avoid precipitation in the rainy season causeda large number of nuclear sewage leaks, Tokyo Electric Power Company is to find a new place to discuss the transfer of nuclearwaste water and other emergency response measures.herve leger engineered batik squareneck dress 

intestinal Escherichia coli infections

May 30, in the northeastern city of Rostock in Germany's Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Safety Office, a biologist and a cucumber anatomy. 28 German health authorities said the three women may be due to consumption by EHEC (EHEC) "pollution" of the cucumber death. In Germany of suspected E. coli outbreak from the "poisonous" cucumber raised. The E. coli by the "pollution" may come from the cucumber and the Malaga province of Spain, Almeria province, the two exporters. Spain has suspended production and sales related to the two exporters.German health officials on the 29th to remind people not to eat a temporary cucumber, tomatoes and other vegetables .herve leger crisscross sequin applique bandage white dress Experts advise: Do not eat raw cucumbersAccording to Voice of "news aspect," reported that in Europe, by EHEC "pollution" of the cucumber is still spreading. Up to now, events in Germany cucumber virus death toll has risen to 14 people.As of May 30, Germany, died of intestinal Escherichia coli infections has increased to 14 the number of people, and deaths for the first time spread to areas outside northern Germany, 29 and 30, in Germany's most populous Northern Westchester state, two women have died from infection complications.In response to the crisis, the German Federal and regional food-related health and epidemic prevention departments of the representatives of 30 held an emergency meeting in Berlin.German Health Minister Barr's press conference after the meeting, said authorities are still unable to determine the source of infection the disease, so he expected new cases will continue to rise. And there are signs that the outbreak of the infection source is still active. German Minister of Agriculture and Consumer Protection Aigner also said that the current form of serious, need to maintain a high degree of vigilance.In addition, Germany is responsible for epidemic prevention research authority Bu Geer, director of the Robert Koch Institute, told reporters that at present due to EHEC infection and hemolytic uremic syndrome caused by the number of patients continue to rise, the the weekend has added 80 cases, there are about 350 current German hemolytic uremic syndrome, and therefore, do not rule out the death toll will continue to rise.He also reminded, at this stage raw cucumber, tomato and lettuce salad, there is a big risk, cooked vegetables is much safer than raw.In a news conference that although the number of infections continues to increase, but slowed the rate of spread of the epidemic. A representative said that in this most important of the Hamburg epidemic, there have been new signs of infection rate of decline.Austria, to remind, in part by EHEC "pollution" of the cucumber may have been sold, discarded as soon as possible because the customer, to prevent the spread of pathogenic E. coli.In addition, the Czech agricultural and food regulators said that some "poison" of cucumber has been transported to Hungary and Luxembourg sales. As of 30 morning, the two countries have not received the public due to pathogenic E. coli illness reported.Some analysts said that EHEC is E. coli are quite "aggressive" in a class, can cause kidney failure and affects the central nervous system.herve leger sweetheart bandage halter red black dress In recent weeks, caused by EHEC types of disease occur in several European countries. World Health Organization said earlier that pathogenic E. coli can be interpersonal, food, water and communication channels such as exposure to animals, people should pay attention to wash hands frequently, especially before touching food and after using the toilet.

Friday, May 27, 2011

water source is enabled

National Headquarters Office of 27, said the person in charge,since May 20, the Yangtze River drought-hit areas of significantrainfall appears to alleviate the current severe drought favorablesoil moisture in some areas significantly improved, but theduration of rainfall Not long, rain is not the whole, not to form an effective runoff, to improve the river water level, increase the lakewater is very limited.Coach Colette Hobo 

China Meteorological Administration, the Central Meteorological Observatory, the National Climate Center at 16:00 on the 27thissued a yellow warning of drought: According to 27, monitoring,northern and eastern Hubei, Hunan, northern, central and southernAnhui, northern Jiangxi, southern Jiangsu, Zhejiang andnortheastern part of Shanghai, had severe Meteorologicaldrought. The next 3 days, provinces and municipalities along theYangtze River still no effective precipitation, dry weather will continue to develop.

Central Meteorological Observatory, the National Climate Centeralso released defensive Guide to remind departments of emergency and standby water source is enabled, scheduling areaof the water, give priority to urban and rural residents living and production water.

The central government has issued a drought this year, 1.96 billion yuan subsidy

In the face of severe drought situation, the State Flood Control Headquarters, Ministry of Water Resources has sent 13 workinggroups to help guide where further arid drought. This year the central government has issued a drought subsidies 19.6 billion.May 18 and 19, flood control and drought emergency suppliesfrom the central warehouse to allocate 80 units (sets) of high flowwater pump, 50 pieces (sets) submersible pumps, water tanksand 195 transport petrol and diesel generators and other equipment arrived in Hubei Hunan into drought.

National Headquarters, Ministry of Water Resources to enhance the project schedule, according to statistics, the Three GorgesReservoir this year, total 18.087 billion cubic meters to the middle and lower pay, so that the maximum water level of Yangtze Riverchannel rise 1.39-2.72 m, play a role in drought resistance. At 8:00 on May 27, the Three Gorges reservoir water level 151.99 m, corresponding to the amount of 20.849 billion cubic meters water, average daily flow of 9,030 cubic meters per second inbound, outbound flow of 11,600 cubic meters per second.Coach Colette Satchel

local health departmentlaboratories

Taiwan health officer, Wen-Ta Chiu 27 in a press conference, said plasticizing agent is illegal to add bad behavior, will increase the punishment. According to the "Food Sanitation Law "stipulates that for every manufacturing, trafficking, have been determined will be punished. And according to "AdministrativePunishment Law, " for ill-gotten gains but also increase thepenalties. Proceeds of crime, law enforcement authorities canseize property. He said that the juice has been jam the shelvesmore than 40,000 kg food, sports drinks, tea category more than 980,000 bottles of probiotic powder packets over 262,000 boxesclass.Coach Baby Bag 

The department statistics show that as 27, by nearly 200companies involved in the incident, contaminated raw materialsused up to 95 manufacturers. Previously, black pine, Sugar,Taiwan Salt, King Car, Brand, Sheng Xiangzhen and other manufacturers, some products have been discovered by its ownpollution plasticizer DEHP, has taken the initiative to inform the health sector. In order for the industry and the public at ease, the health sector in Taiwan under the Food and Drug Administrationhas determined that the products in question is divided into sports drinks, fruit juices, tea drinks, jam, jam type, powder type, tablets,etc. six categories. Food outside of the above categories, there is no danger of being polluted plasticizer.

Currently, Taiwan has been designated local health departmentlaboratories, the people entrusted plasticizer acceptance testingapplications. 27 morning, Taipei Department of Health has beenaccepted within 2 hours, more than 40 pieces of testingapplications. According to the procedures, the inspection of foodare subject to extraction, purification and other pre-processing, then the machine test. According to normal procedure, usually takes 7 to 10 business days to complete. Are people that usuallylikes to drink sports drinks, and now wrought hopes for an early to know the results.Coach Backpack 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

the lead military action

According to the 1973 enactment of the "War Powers Act, " the president without congressional authorization is not generally the case, the use of funds for military action, once ordered the use of force, the President should take military action to notify Congresswithin 48 hours, and then again in 60 days Military action to keep Congress informed of progress.

March 19 this year, the United States, Britain and France took the lead military action against Libya. To date, more than two months of military operations.

What Armagh Republican Congressman Justin held the 25thhearing of the House Foreign Relations Committee, said: "We are at war in Libya. " A Mashi drafting a bill demanding an end tomilitary action against Libya unless it approved a Special Actauthorized the use of force. "Congress can no longer stand by our Constitution the right of war have been ignored. "

"The president is not King "

Obama asked members of Congress on December 20 to continue to support military action against Libya, the Libyanoperations, said the "limited nature "of those who drafted the Actof 1973 war is different.

Republican Congressman Chris Gibson is drafting a bill for amendment in 1973 promulgated the "War Powers Act. "Republican Congressman Dan Bu Dalton said: "The president is not king, he (Obama) should not act like a king. "

The main promoter of the proposal

The main promoter of the proposal Zhao Maxim is the first Chinese women members of the House of Representatives. She said at the press conference, a century ago by the discriminatory "Exclusion Act", causing the Chinese American community there is hatred, prejudice, and even to extreme behavior. During the implementation bill, the Chinese are the only requirements to be issued by the relevant documents in the streets of foreign immigrants, often harassed, detained and even murdered for no reason. Her grandfather was persecuted by this discriminatory bill in the early Chinese immigrants a member. She believes that Congress is long overdue for this "ugly law" to the Chinese Americans that "a sincere apology." "No matter how long ago, this violation of basic human rights practices are unacceptable." As a sponsor, she was proud, but also feel a sense of urgency, because the Act repealed 60 years later, the bill suffered the last batch of Chinese immigrants have been persecuted to death of the age, the U.S. Congress should seize the opportunity to live the last person alive in the expression of apology.
Bi Gete and Kaufman said, "Exclusion Act" in U.S. history is one of the most unjust bill, it has long been neglected, the resolution presented today is to recognize this historic mistake made an important step. May is Asian Pacific American Heritage month the United States, they are honored in this expression the contribution of Asian Americans in the month in recognition and respect, and Zhao to join as co-sponsors of Maxim to become a part of this historic effort.
Senator Feinstein said in a written statement, despite the injustice suffered, but the Chinese immigrants still tough to survive in American society today is for the growth and success of American society to make a great contribution. "Exclusion Act" is a disgrace to American history, one should not forget this history.He hoped that this bill will help those in American history, "this dark chapter in the" lack of understanding of Americans know the history. Senator Brown said that Chinese Americans are an important part of American society, in many ways to contribute to American society. The resolution is to pay tribute to the contribution of Chinese Americans.
Does not require resolution by the "Exclusion Act" of Chinese Americans and their descendants to material compensation.According to the U.S. legislative process, the motion submitted, will enter the relevant procedures, members need to collect enough signatures to enter the houses of the final stages of discussion and voting. In the process, from the private sector to promote essential. U.S. Congress formally committed to promoting the "Exclusion Act" to apologize for the "1882 Plan" is a grassroots organization. Chairman Dr. Lin Jingzhong the plan to reporters that they will mobilize the Chinese community to actively lobby the U.S. Members of this constituency, for the support of more members, and only through this motion, this dark chapter in American history is the real turn of the past.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

confidence in achieving that goal

Obama met with British Prime Minister Cameron after the newsconference, said: "My goal is to establish a secure State of Israel,recognized by its neighbors; a Palestinian state for the Palestinian people to decide their own The fate and future. "

Obama said: "I have confidence in achieving that goal. "chanel limited pink bags 39334 

Obama urged the Palestinian and Israeli peace talks rather than to seek United Nations recognition of a Palestinian state.

Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on the 25th in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Palestinian National Authority held an emergency meeting, said that if the stalledMiddle East peace process, Pakistan will continue to seek UNrecognition of Palestinian state. Abbas said that Pakistan intends to seek the United Nations this September the recognition of a Palestinian state "is not an isolated Israel ","is not unilateral action, " the construction of Israeli settlement activity continued, "isunilateral action. "chanel wallets silver gray 37241 

Obama 19 at the U.S. State Department on the situation in West Asia, North Africa and the Middle East peace process and called for a speech to Israel and the Palestinians based on the 1967 borders negotiations between the two countries so as to establish "secure and recognized borders. "

Communications and Energy

Xinhua Geneva, May 25 (Xinhua Wang Chao-PARIS) 25,according to Swiss federal government communique issued bythe Swiss in 2034 years ago, the gradual closure of all nuclear power plants within its territory, completely abandon nuclear power.chanel handbags sheepkin leather blue 30226 

Swiss Federal Ministry of Transport, Communications and Energy Minister Leuthard said that day in the capital, Bern, Switzerlanddecided to phase out nuclear power, nuclear power plants within its territory to reach the maximum of 5 after 50 years service lifewill stop running, which means before 2034 , the last of a nuclear power plant will be closed.

Swiss Federal Government pointed out that Switzerland will vigorously promote energy efficiency, continue to develophydropower and renewable energy and expand energy imports, while developing the smart grid, strengthen energy research and development.chanel 255 bags ball grain leather white silver 1112 

Swiss electricity from nuclear power currently Jinsi Cheng, fromMarch earthquake and tsunami in Japan the first nuclear plant in Fukushima nuclear accident, the Swiss Federal Government to immediately announce the end of the existing five nuclear power plant renovation scheme, run Nuclear power plant security checks, and instructed the Federal Ministry of Transport, Communicationsand Energy prospects for the country's future energy supply and make reliable judgments.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

a summit

Planned six-day visit to non-Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh speech at the summit, said the second session of India-Africa Summit is a historic meeting was the first time in India and among non-host such a high African continent, the meeting will bebearing the non-outlining future cooperation and development of the new blueprint. louis vuitton taiga leather Singh said India and Africa is a unique partnership between the two sides in the fight against colonialism and apartheid, poverty, disease, illiteracy and hunger, and so has a common history. Singh also announced that India will continue to Africa's infrastructure, human resource development to help India in the next 3 years to provide 50 African countries billion credit line to help African countries develop, will provide 700 million U.S. dollars in Africa for the construction of new institutions and provide training programs, and to Ethiopia - Djibouti railway project to provide 3 billion dollars, will invest $ 2,000,000 will be used to fund the AU peacekeeping mission in Somalia.
AU Commission Chairman Jean? Square opening at the summit called on non-printed on the Doha Round negotiations, agricultural development, trade, combating terrorism, climate change and other aspects of cooperation. Let? Ping said that the summit is the partnership between Africa and India, a milestone in the development process, I hope to continue to strengthen India's non-education, medical aid, and for the least developed African countries duty-free, non-investment in the energy flow to theMeanwhile, the more the flow of infrastructure and human resources development.louis vuitton utah leather 
India and Africa energy cooperation summit in the primary concern. The two sides reviewed three years ago, the first summit held in New Delhi since the results of cooperation and partnership in India within the framework of non-coordinate positions, for more extensive cooperation. First India-Africa Summit under the programmatic document released after the "India - Africa Cooperation Framework Agreement", energy is both a period of time in the future priority areas of cooperation, both sides pledged to strengthen cooperation in energy exploration and development.Indian investment in Africa mainly in the oil and gas, telecommunications, transportation and information technology fields. Indo-Asian News Service April quoted a recent survey, over the past 7 years, India's total trade with Africa increased by 7 times.

Russian's Union spacecraft

Moscow time at 6:27 on May 24, carrying the International Space Station Expedition 26-27 three astronauts of the "Union" TMA-20 spacecraft landed safely in Kazakhstan's steppe.louis vuitton softsided luggage 

The three astronauts were Russian cosmonauts, Commander de la quarter hole Akayev, American female astronaut Catherine Coleman and Paul 罗内斯波利 Italian astronaut, who has worked in the International Space Station more than 5 months time.

24 morning, Itar - Tass News Agency reporters Cong Weiyu and Mo Sike suburban space command center in Korolev reports that: "search and rescue team of experts are manned spacecraft from the transfer of extravehicular astronauts one by one, the currentThey feel good. "manned spacecraft landing site on the temperature of 16 degrees to zero, with winds of 5-8 m / sec.

Person in charge of the command center, said the atmosphere over the orbit manned spacecraft, the astronauts spent the flight overload lot of physical strength and energy, they returned to the ground after the sweat a lot, all wet, the ground staff immediately to him ( her) to provide a special clean clothes, including long-sleeved sweatshirt, short-sleeved shirt, underpants, underwear and socks, the astronauts are selected according to their need to wear.

According to the person in charge, from the last "alliance" TMA-19 spacecraft began with the Russian Space Agency astronaut wearing a Russian special medical socks, can prevent the state of weightlessness for several months after the soles of the feet swelling. "Union" TMA-19 spacecraft and the crew of the cards out in Corpus Christi after the continuous wavelet card back to the ground through a 10-day, special medical socks they are satisfied with the efficacy of, the, the hole will continue to de quarter Aliyevtest for medical socks.louis vuitton suhali leather 

Astronaut training center, according to the total physician Boqiuyefu introduction, Russia developed a new remote monitoring system, tracking analysis after the astronauts return to the physical condition of the ground, focusing on monitoring the heart, respiratory system and adrenal gland is working. He said, "As soon as the astronauts out of the manned spacecraft, we immediately put them specialized sensing devices, their physical condition immediately transferred to Moscow via satellite in the computer room, doctors carried out through analysis of video connections and diagnosis. diagnostic information obtained was immediately transferred to NASA in Houston. "